Today we were talking about God's Presence! WOW! It was so good and powerful! I KNOW that I KNOW that I KNOW, I NEVER want to be without His Presence!!!
Making so many life applications, I could go on and on, but I won't.
One thing that really resonated with me is that God made us to be relational for sure!!! But He made us for the most relationship we have is one with Him!!!
What was presented was the God created everyone with a "with" need and with a "significance" need. Can you raise your hand if you agree?! I know I have both of these and I know when I have looked to satisfy those needs in the wrong places or people. An idea that was tossed out was when I confuse me "with" need with trying to fill it with other people instead of filling that "with" need with GOD, HIMSELF, it's idolatry.
Are friends idols?
Not all of them!
Can they be?
When I make them more important than God....Yes!
Text after text, the teacher showed us in Old Testament and New several verses telling us God is with us!! Over and over, it gave me goosebumps! And ending by saying that WITH out God, we can do nothing!
I have struggled with friends and friendship from my arrival here in College Station going on 4 years now. I have begged the Lord for friends, praised Him for friends (near and far), questioned Him why friendships end or change, but today, in His goodness and glory, wasn't He all along protecting me from falling back into idolatrous relationships? Wasn't He teaching me and showing me that the relationship with Him is the only one I truly need? Is it that I just haven't been listening?
I don't think that 1 answer, answers all of those questions or situations, but man oh man! I know it does for some!
God is so good and loves me and you that He doesn't let anything get in HIS WAY...
what am I letting get in my (silly 'lil me) way???
God says.... BE PRESENT WITH ME, (fill in the blank with your name) kari, and I WILL BE PRESENT WITH YOU!!!!!
Whether you realize it or not, there is NOTHING like the Presence of God in your life!!!!
Lord, may I never want anything more than I want You and Your Presence with me!!! -Amen