Have you ever prayed a prayer and waited for some time for an answer?
Have you ever asked for something from God?
I have...
I do....
The other morning I had a "aha" moment, but really it is like a "duh" moment.
If you (the few who read this) don't know my story this may not make sense to you, but my husband and I have moved around the country ALOT!!!!
Finally, after what we thought would be our last move, we were done with the whole lets pick up and move thing!
We wanted to put down roots.
We wanted our kids to grow up with other kids.
We wanted consistency for ourselves but our children as well.
This is what we wanted and what I prayed for...not in those words exactly, but that is what I asked God for.
A place that we could call home for more than 24 months.
A place where my children would feel secure and constant.
Those kinds of things.
One morning this week after I dropped Kru off at pre-school, the Lord revealed to me that He has answered all of those petitions.
Kru is the same age that Kye was when we moved here.
Kru is attending the same pre-school that Kye went to a few years ago.
They know us...
We know them...
As I was driving away, it hit me....
HE has provided consistency.
HE has given us a home/town/community that has been constant for almost 5 years now.
Was it how I thought He would answer?
Where I thought it would be?
I asked Him for forgiveness right then.
Sorry Lord for not seeing all You do for me, just cause they don't look like I think they should.
God has His reasons!
His timing!
His purposes!
His ways!
Apparently for this season that means Texas for this mid-west girl!
So instead of trying to get out of Dodge.....
Lord, thank You for answering!
For giving my children stability!
For providing a job for my husband that is stable.
For giving us a community that knows us and that we know!
Why am I so quick to not see when things don't go the way I think they should go?
Thank You, Jesus, for revealing to me that You have answered!
You are good!
You are constant!
You are amazing!
I love you!!!!