things have been busy!!!
To go back to the beginning of the month,
Darrin and I went out to California to visit
my brother and his wife. We had not been on
a trip ALONE (without children) for nearly 12 years.
We thought it was time!

And it was!!!
And it was!!!
I love my children!!!
But time with just my husband is important!
And we don't do it often enough, for sure!!!!
We had a great time with Kory and Shelley!
I LOVE California and want to move there!
The weather alone is reason enough for me!!!!
We went to the beach, did San Francisco, ate out
a bunch! I slept in late! Read!!! And just simply
It was refreshing, rejuvenating and needed.
It was a blessing!
Here are a few shots from our trip!
Shelley and me in Santa Cruz
The farmer's market in Campbell
Sea Lions in Santa Cruz
A stop on the 17 Mile Dr, headed to Carmel
Headed to the beach in Santa Cruz to boogie board!
Obviously, San Francisco!
It was good for us! It was so good to be with Kory and Shelley! I miss family! Kory and Darrin are more like brothers than brother-in-laws! And I have to tell you that Shelley feels more like a sister to me than a sister-in-law. I so wished we lived closer, but maybe one day!!!
We're going back at Christmas, but we ARE taking the boys with us! They will love California just as much as we did!
What a wonderful trip!!!
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